As a plumbing business owner, you should know that establishing your plumbing company is merely the first step. If you want to get more plumbing calls and grow your plumbing business you need to invest in marketing. Whenever you launch a new plumber marketing campaign, you should test whether the cost of the project is helping or hurting your plumbing company. One of the best ways you can measure the performance and impact of your marketing campaign is by calculating the marketing ROI. In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about marketing ROI for plumbers.
What is Plumber Marketing ROI?
At the most basic level, plumber marketing ROI compares the amount of money you spend on a specific plumbing marketing campaign with the amount of revenue you generate from it. Typically, marketing ROI is used to determine the amount you should invest in ongoing and future marketing and advertising campaigns.
Why Should Plumbers Calculate Marketing ROI?
As a plumbing business owner, calculating the return on marketing investments can help guide business decisions and optimize plumber marketing efforts. The following are 3 reasons why you should calculate your plumber marketing ROI:
Measure Your Marketing Campaign Success
An important part of any plumber marketing campaign is the ability to measure its performance and impact on your sales. By accurately calculating your marketing ROI, you can better identify the right mix of online and offline plumber marketing methods.
Distribute Marketing Budgets
There are many possible plumber marketing mix combinations. However, each plumber marketing technique will require funding. The best way to determine how to distribute funding for each plumber marketing method is by calculating its return on investment. The campaign with the highest ROI will certainly get the highest funding.
Justify Marketing Spend
When it comes to plumber marketing, you’ll notice that some campaigns will spend more than expected. The only way you can justify such spending is by calculating the marketing ROI of the campaign. This will help you know whether you are generating more revenue from the marketing campaign.
ROI Formula for Plumber Marketing
To accurately calculate your plumber marketing ROI, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Pick one marketing channel, e.g. Google Ads
Step 2: Determine the amount you spend per month on this marketing channel.
Step 3: Calculate the percentage of calls that you get from this marketing channel compared to EVERY other marketing channel.
Step 4: Calculate the average monthly sales
Marketing Channel: Google Marketing
Monthly Budget: $1,500
% Of Calls: 30%
Average Monthly Sales: $50,000
What is 30% of $50,000 = $15,000
$15,000 divided by cost of monthly budget = $10
$15000/ 1500
$1 ROI = $10
That means; for every $1 you invest in Google Marketing, you get $10 back. This can be considered very profitable for your plumbing company.
Types of Marketing ROIs
As a plumbing business owner, it is important you understand the three types of Marketing ROIs, so you can make informed business decisions:
Positive Marketing ROI
Positive marketing ROI occurs when the revenue generated from a marketing campaign is higher than the total marketing and advertising costs.
For example: Tony’s Plumbing Inc. made $50,000 in one month and spent only $10,000 on marketing and advertising costs. They determined their average sales growth to be 10% of their total earnings, meaning $5,000 of that income was not influenced by marketing. The Marketing ROI formula for Tony’s Plumbing Inc. would be:
(Total Monthly Sales – Average Baseline Sales Growth- Total Marketing Cost)/ Total Marketing Cost
( $50,000-$5,000-$10,000)/$10,000 = ROI of 3.5%. This means that the company is making a profit.
Negative Marketing ROI
A negative marketing ROI occurs when the total marketing cost is higher than the total revenue. When you get a negative ROI, it means that the company is losing money through the given marketing campaign:
For example: If Tony’s Plumbing Inc. spent $10,000 on marketing and their sales growth is 10% and then made $5,000 that month, they would have a negative ROI as shown below:
Marketing ROI= Total Monthly Sales – Average Baseline Sales Growth- Total Marketing Cost / Total Marketing Cost
($5,000-$500-$10,000) $10,000 = ROI of -55%
Neutral Marketing ROI
In some cases, your plumbing company may have a break even, where the marketing ROI is equal to zero. A Neutral Marketing ROI means that company is not losing or gaining from a given marketing campaign.
For Example:
If Tony’s Plumbing Inc. has spent $ 3,000 on marketing in a month and made $3,000 sales with no baseline of monthly growth, their Marketing ROI formula would be: ( $3,000 - $3,000)/ $3,000 which equals to zero. If the same company had a 10% sales growth rate, then their adjusted marketing ROI, the number would end up being negative.
As well as understanding marketing ROI as a whole, along with the best ways to calculate it is important, thinking of ways to boost your Marketing ROI can prove invaluable. So how do we offer better ROI for your plumbing business and a more view of success? Schedule a Plumbing Business Coaching appointment with Tony Gee today to learn the expert-proven ways to grow and scale your plumbing business.
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