Remember the 90's when simply having a website meant you were impressive and ahead of the game? The "Website visit counters" at the bottom? Guestbooks? Auto-play music when you visit a site? Flames around the borders? The old "Welcome to my Homepage!" neon blinking signs, the custom mouse pointer cursers like a ying-yang, the "Under Construction" black and yellow signs, & the blue underlined hyperlinks that flooded every homepage? Just click "minimize" out of your chatroom and change your AIM Away Message "***BRB*** Mom has to use the phone, so I have to get off the internet."
Good times!
But times changed—they changed fast—and they are changing faster every minute of the day,
If you put out a website like that nowadays, you would either be an overnight viral star for such a retro success, or your kids would disown you and run away from home.
When "nicer" websites came out with the giant home screen banners, buttons, drop-down menus started to have regular layouts, and designers started putting authentic images online, the speeds were unbearably slow. Then suddenly, today, we complain that a website takes more than 2 seconds to fully open.
Where are you on that evolutionary scale? If you are like most companies, you are one tick on the pressure gauge past the "nicer" websites that I just mentioned from the 2000s —and that leads me to one giant truth—you're behind--way behind.
Speed & Complexity
Websites were like the "shingle" that businesses used to hang as a status symbol to prove they were in business. It was a statement that said, "we are here, we've planted our flag, and we are ready to get after it." Modern websites have so much going on behind the scenes that it would blow your mind.
Look at the website like a human body. Your website does 99% of its incredible work behind the scenes. Browser Caching, File Compressions, Render-blocking codes, symbiosis with Third-Party sites and GMB, redirects, speed metrics, load times, TTFBs, Time to Titles, DNS Lookup times, bounce rates, session duration, conversion rates, Error Rates, trends, backlinks, SEO formatting, CTAs, responsiveness, optimized images, upload favicon, optimized CSS, external links, storage, the list goes on forever. The websites need to constantly communicate with the rest of the web and be able to receive data in return. It's crazy stuff. The difference between having a website and having a fully functional website is colossal.
When you add this to the spasmodic variations of formulas, analytics, artificial intelligence & algorithmic modeling that the millions of clashing & diverse platforms concoct, you have one giant ball of bewilderment.
The Bad News First
The bad part about the current state of complexity is that it only gets more complex. There are entire professions of people who go to Google classes to update them on how the algorithm changes. And that's just Google—and it changes all the time. Think about how many platforms there are out there—millions—that are all important. From the time I wrote this until you read it, the algorithm of every online platform will have changed. You don't have time to keep up with all of this, and it is how calls are generated and profits are made for your service business.
The Good News
The good news is that companies out there do this for you. You don't even have to think about any of the ridiculous words I listed out. Next time some young kid says, "Meta Tags are Invisible, but I know how to see them," you can reply, "I have someone who does all that for me—go away."
You're not foolish for not knowing the intricacies of contemporary web development. Still, you would be foolish not to hire a professional to square this part of your business away for you. The importance of your website and web presence cannot be overstated in today's market. Nothing can turn your business into a green machine like a fully optimized gear churning online platform that generates service calls and spits meaningful data.
The Current Market for Web Developers
My advice on hiring a web developer is this; go with a company specializing in your trade. These mega blue-chip companies in skyscrapers have an entire wing of their building dedicated to "research". They sometimes use overseas researchers or A.I. to develop words, phrases & "copy" for your site. It's not that they don't care about the details – it's that the trades have been overlooked and misunderstood for so long that they don't even speak the same language as us or, better yet, the customers who have real problems.
Do you want to know what those big companies think of attention to detail in the plumbing business? Look at the bare stock photos they provide with websites. Have you seen the guy's photos smiling with a 24" pipe wrench on the packing nut under the kitchen sink? I saw one the other day who had a plumber with a voltmeter with one lead on the p-trap and another on the inside of the cabinet! (Looks like this p-trap is toast ma'am; you need a new one.) No joke!
And their content is fun to read. But, unfortunately, they think we plunk around neighborhoods plunging toilets & tightening 3/8" nuts.
Do Yourself a Favor
Schedule a free consultation with Strictly Plumbers. They aren't going to give you photos of a guy testing a p-trap with a voltmeter for an emergency plunger call. Instead, they develop your web page into a fully customized money machine that pumps in the big juicy calls you love. The owner Tony Gee was a plumber for one of the big franchises; he is one of us; he totally gets "it" and is on the home team for the win.
He provides the real-world guidance and makes sure that the team is using the right words, the right photos, the right layouts, and the right guard rails so that it is highly specific to the plumbing trades, and the team is comprised of top players who drill down the details to dominate their respective fields of expertise. This combination of plumber-vision and online technical mastery sets them apart from everyone else in the field.
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